Resources / Writing

Because TANGLED DARKNESS includes themes of severe mental illness, alcoholism and opioid addiction, the Resources section provides information about these issues, including access to treatment and getting help.

In the Writing section, I’ll blog about my writing journey and where it takes me.

Check out Mary’s latest drama, a psychological thriller short story — BETRAYAL IN THE BALANCE.

The Setup: Agent Feedback

Reading Time: 2 minutes
There’s an interesting resource known as The Manuscript Academy that offered a SubmissionStrategy workshop a few months ago. I posted some thoughts about having attended that,including some of the ‘lessons learned’ in my first newsletter.’Another service this group offers is project review and feedback from an agent or editor (or asmany as you’d like) on…

Musings of a Retired Psychiatrist | Episode 1

Reading Time: 6 minutes
Where Have I Been? I pulled up a chair, facing the client with no obstacle between us. Okay, she’s not a client. Let’s call her a ‘friend’ who’s here again for another supportive session. She’s been taking the road less traveled lately. One that’s usually unknown to those millennials and gen-Xers. It’s filled with twists…

Update on TANGLED DARKNESS Revisions:

Reading Time: 3 minutes
Some of you may be aware that I took a first ten pages ‘bootcamp’ seminar at the turn of the year. It dovetailed quite nicely with another Manuscript Academy Submission Strategy workshop that taught me a lot about the querying process. Beyond learning how to interpret agent responses to queries, I finished with a new…

Learning From Rejections

Reading Time: 1 minute
Out of the ten rejections, I had two agents generously respond with feedback that (especially inone of them) explained why they took a pass. Maybe it’s not surprising that the feedback I gotin ‘bootcamp’ had many similarities. Listen. Two or three years ago, when I was starting thiswhole project, I heard repeatedly: “Writing is rewriting.”…

First Ten Pages Bootcamp

Reading Time: 2 minutes
During late October and November 2022, I sent out 17 queries. By the time most agencies, agents, and editors were closed down for the Holidays (around Thanksgiving to mid-December), I had 10 rejections filed away. From what I’ve learned from social media sites, receiving a rash of rejections is a good time (especially if you’ve…